
4.2 ( 5902 ratings )
Developer: Chun Yi Lee

五大主題功能 吃住玩賞遊嘉義!


-簡單操作的直覺體驗Intuitive User Experiences


It’s very easy to pick up on Bear Gayi APP. Users can simply touch categories icons that leads straight to the contents, which tells you everything you want to know about Chiayi. Each of the stores or touring sights include store names, address, opening hours, contacts and other basic information, click continue for further details on user’s inquires.


You can also press search in the contents pages for a direct link to the desired store, this APP can show you the way on the map, and even dial numbers for you when feeling like make a call to stores!

-發現隱藏版的美好Discover the Hidden Beauties



In the Food section, our group gathered all the information you want in one place, where you can find the most local stores. No matter breakfast, iron eggs, shaved ice mountain, or delicate cafés to take a break, you wouldn’t need to do researches beforehand but get to the best cuisines of the best!

。老嘉時光機 Travel

Get off the clichés tourist beaten tracks, in Bear Gayi you can find other side of the city that made old house under the spotlight. In the Travel section, you can find all the historical houses in the hidden allies that full of stories. For curious travelers, Bear Gayi is the best APP for you!

-在地藝術文化深度導覽 Local Cultures Rediscover-


Creative thinkers, you are most welcome to download the Bear Gayi APP, where you can discover all the information about local artists’ stores. Wooden dining utensils, dye clothes, and stocking dolls, you can find all kinds of handicrafts made by passionate local artists!
In the Fun section, we also include hostels information, where you can find price, address, websites, and contacts at one place. Chiayi has never been so close to international travelers ever!

Chiayi, Home Sweet Home: Neighborhood Stories


While touring around the city, you may also want to know more about the histories of Chiayi. All 9 Join Villages’ stories are detailed listed in the Bear Gayi APP, where you can get a better understanding toward Chiayi’s past and now. Histories is the soul of a city, Bear Gayi App takes you to the heart of Chiayi!